Turbine Games Q&A/Monsters

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Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?category=Monsters

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2001.05.03 Can monsters have seperate War and Life magic skills?
2001.03.17 Random Monster Spawns?
2001.02.20 When are Trophies calculated?
2001.02.19 Why do Zefirs often hang around strange sticks (cinnamon)?
2001.02.12 Do monsters use spell components?
2000.12.16 Virindi Level Boost?
2000.12.07 Are Silver Tuskers=Mind Readers?
2000.12.06 Does a player's level or skill affect a monster's agression?
2000.12.06 Quest for monsters
2000.12.05 If/When Bael'Zharon is killed, will Shadows/Frags/Grievvers go with him?
2000.12.01 Is there a flag for Dark Rev Bone drops?
2000.11.29 Does Vitae make you more attractive to a monster?
2000.11.28 How long do monsters "live"?
2000.11.28 Do Different Golem Types Have Different Mote Drop Rates?
2000.11.27 Wil the real Bael please stand up?
2000.11.22 tiatus loot nerfed?
2000.11.22 Monster Sounds
2000.11.22 Do monsters get to distribute XPoints when they level?
2000.11.22 About the Watchman Relic
2000.11.21 Does "Kill Time" Affect Loot?
2000.11.21 Is Your Monster Designer a Fan of Wayne Barlowe?
2000.11.20 Why don't golems drop bigger mote pieces?
2000.11.19 Monsters lvling
2000.11.19 Olthoi retreat?
2000.11.17 Will you be adding 'real' moss to Island Armoredillos?
2000.11.16 Better Loot Just After Monthly Patches?
2000.11.16 Pink scarecrow?
2000.11.16 RE: Pink Scarecrow
2000.11.16 Monster disguises?
2000.11.16 A new phytos?
2000.11.16 RE: Pink scarecrow
2000.11.15 About NPCs...
2000.11.15 Monster Weapons
2000.11.15 Paul and Babe causing server strain?
2000.11.15 Why don't creatures ever attack each other?
2000.11.14 ring and wall spells revisited
2000.11.14 hazzard damage
2000.11.13 Do monster spawns change according to time of day?
2000.11.13 How do you calculate a monster's Level?
2000.11.12 Landscape dam to Critters
2000.11.12 Will we ever make peace with any of the "monsters" in Dereth?
2000.11.11 Do monsters have different magic skill levels?
2000.11.10 About your answer RE: Big monsters, how could this be bad?
2000.11.10 Monsters using more than one attack in combat
2000.11.09 Hollow *creatures* vs Something for mages
2000.11.09 Do shields work the same for monsters?
2000.11.09 How do Atlan weapons effect Shadows?
2000.11.08 Why do monsters cast the same spell over and over?
2000.11.07 Umbris=Vampires???
2000.11.07 Will there aver be a singly truely massive creature roaming the game?
2000.11.07 When is monster loot and special loot generated?
2000.11.07 Do monsters spend unassigned exp?
2000.11.06 Weather effect on creatures
2000.11.06 New Ring and Wall spells cast by monsters?
2000.11.06 How do monsters swallow such big loot?
2000.11.06 Do the models of creatures really represent the armor.
2000.11.06 Why don't magic casting critters have to unwield weapons?
2000.11.05 critter battles
2000.11.04 Will we ever see melee/missile resistant monsters?
2000.11.03 Monsters vulnerable to Pierce/Slash?
2000.11.03 Weapon ineptitude cast on monsters
2000.11.03 Will we ever see a monsters true lvl??
2000.11.02 Will we see "newer" monsters i.e. Shadow Crysts (sp?) in the wild?
2000.11.02 How about death lines for all monsters?
2000.11.02 Copyright Infringements??
2000.11.02 Drudges warmtide and racewars.
2000.11.01 Where are the Dragons?
2000.11.01 Drop rate for Shards
2000.11.01 Rare drops, more than one at a time possible?
2000.10.31 White rabbit vs wardiel vs plasma golem vs babe vs paul vs olthoi queen: who would win?
2000.10.31 Do monsters really attack one another?
2000.10.31 Identifying level 126+ monsters 'truely'...
2000.10.31 Do creatures have identical skill values in ALL weapons?
2000.10.27 Of Motes and Monsters