Shard of the Black Spear

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Introduced:  Shattering the Dark Related Quests:  Aspect of Grael Quests
Shard of the Black Spear
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 150
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A piece of the broken remains of the Black Spear, carried by the [Creature] Aspect of Grael.

Notes Edit

  • Dropped by the Ruschk, Shadow and Mukkir Aspects of Grael.
  • 27 day pick-up timer.
  • Does not stack.
  • Can be given in for a experience, a slayer title token and a hookable spell device. The rewards vary depending on which Aspect of Grael you took the spear from.
  • See Aspect of Grael Quests for more information.