Introduced: | The Calm | Related Quests: | Suzuhara Baijin's Delivery | Updated: | Master of Design |
- Value: 2,500
- Burden: 250
- Covers Abdomen
- Armor Level: 230
- Slashing: Below Average (138)
- Piercing: Below Average (138)
- Bludgeoning: Average (184)
- Fire: Above Average (322)
- Cold: Average (184)
- Acid: Below Average (161)
- Electric: Average (184)
- Nether: Average (230)
- Spells: Impregnability Self V, Fire Protection Self V, Magic Resistance Self V, Invulnerability Self V, Minor Flame Ward
- Properties: Dyeable
- Wield requires level 50
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 170
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 125
- Mana: 900
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
Notes Edit
- Give the Note to Baijin to Suzuhara Baijin for the girth.
- As of the Master of Design event, this girth no longer covers the Upper Legs.
ACID | Name | Sample | Hex | ||||
6600 | SuzuharaGirth | 7B3A10 | |||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |
ACID | Name | Sample | Hex | ||||
6595 | SuzuharaLapyan | 107A7A | |||||
6592 | SuzuharaColban | 001349 | |||||
6599 | SuzuharaVerdalim | 124900 | |||||
6594 | SuzuharaMinalim | 107950 | |||||
6591 | SuzuharaRelanim | 1D0049 | |||||
6590 | SuzuharaThananim | 171717 | |||||
6598 | SuzuharaHennacin | 490001 | |||||
6593 | SuzuharaArgenory | 737373 | |||||
6597 | SuzuharaBerimphur | 493700 | |||||
6596 | SuzuharaFail | D6006F | |||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |