[Allegiance] Lilly Lamage says, "so need to do POQ , get the weapon, then collect 100 sacs (always makes me laugh) , then you get some kind of kit to upgrade it?" [Allegiance] Lilly Lamage says, "before POQ get the glands for each toon?" [Allegiance] Trajen says, "some component with eo as well, to activitate the kit?" [Allegiance] Cursed Angel says, "then you buy the kit from the olthoi north vendor, get the oil from Pedas desk (where you get your weapon from) and apply the aciod that you will get from doing the new EO west matron quest from to it using an alchemist running a rare then add that to" [Allegiance] Lilly Lamage says, "ok, I think LOL" [Allegiance] Lilly Lamage says, "I'll keep collecting sacs and get those, then go get the glands to be ready to go" [Allegiance] Cursed Angel says, "you will easily get the gland while you are collecting" [Allegiance] Cursed Angel says, "everything else can be done as we do the quests"

Temporary edits:

After killing the matron in EO West and talking to both NPCs in Eastwatch, gather 110 Small Olthoi Venom Sacs. Travel to the Paradox Valley tent and buy:

Inert Olthoibane Infusion - 10 sacs

Deactivated Olthoi Weapon Kit - 100 sacs