During the Unfinished Business event, Kitana Oazaka was replaced by Tyrina of Arwic, and is no longer at her post near the Dark Isle lifestone.
Lore & Dialog
Kitana Oazaka tells you, "Greetings, adventurer. It's been quite some time since I've had company since Queen Elysa sent Tyrina of Arwic to assume my post at our camp on the south shores of this Dark Isle."
Kitana Oazaka tells you, "I no longer have access to the Queen's Relic armor supplies, however I do have a healthy stockpile of portal gems that will bring you to this place."
Kitana Oazaka tells you, "Destroy the dread enemies in service to Grael that have spread all over this island, and bring evidence of their destruction to me. I will reward you accordingly."