Chow Doun

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Introduced:  Ancient Enemies Related Quests:  Tanada House of Pancakes Quest
Chow Doun
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Sho
1 Base Damage Chef
Location 33.3S, 73.1E in Shoushi
Level 17
Strength 60
Endurance 140
Coordination 50
Quickness 80
Focus 110
Self 100
Health 80
Stamina 150
Mana 110

Notes Edit

  • Seasonal appearance on April 1st.

Lore & Dialog Edit

Chow Doun tells you, "Greetings, greetings. I have no baked goods today, I am afraid. My supplies have been stolen - STOLEN!" Chow Doun tells you, "The malefactor is an evil man named Pon Mi, who is affiliated with that group spoken of in shadowy whispers as..."
Chow Doun's voice drops to a whisper.
Chow Doun tells you, "...the Tanada clan of Nanjou Shou-jen."
Chow Doun resumes his normal speaking voice.
Chow Doun tells you, "Now, I know that it seems unusual for them to want to steal my flour and eggs and such, but I've no doubt that it is all part of some evil scheme. I need your help...please find my supplies."
Chow Doun tells you, "I'm led to believe this particular group refers to themselves as the "Tanada House of Pancakes" when they allow their shadowy selves to be perceived. They have conveniently left a portal to their hideout over there - please, enter and discover what they are about!"
Chow Doun gives you Butter Knife of Slaying.
Chow Doun tells you, "Take this to aid you in your quest. It is the Butter Knife of Slaying, bane to all those foul creatures of the night who of food, really."