Coral Encrusted Chest

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Introduced:  Introductions Related Quests:  Moarsmen on the Shores
Coral Encrusted Chest
  • Value: 2,500
  • Burden: Variable
  • Use this item to open it and see its contents.
  • Locked
  • You can't tell how hard it is to pick this lock. (Resistance ).
  • A treasure chest encrusted by coral, appearing as if it had been lost at sea for a long, long time...

Notes Edit

Fixed Trophies Random Trophies Loot Tier
None 0
  • Kill all the Tainted Grimy Moarsman in the fort at 92.7N 42.5W near Eastwatch. Several chests spawn at the top of the temple once all have been killed, they disappear when the Moarsmen respawn after a couple minutes.