Introduced: | Introductions | Related Quests: | Moarsmen on the Shores |
Notes Edit
- Kill all the Tainted Grimy Moarsmen at 92.7N 42.5W just north of Eastwatch then loot one of the Coral Encrusted Chests that appear at the top of the temple.
- Does not stack.
- Give to Francisco the Hunter at 90.7N, 43.0W in Eastwatch for 28,092,330 (15% up to level 130).
- You give Francisco the Hunter Huge Tainted Egg.
- Francisco the Hunter tells you, "So this is the egg of one of those things. See how it is corrupted, as compared to a normal moarsman egg. Whatever's driving the moarsmen to shore is not benevolent."
- You've earned 28,092,330 experience.