Swift Strike Ring

Revision as of 13:01, 21 May 2008 by (talk) (New page: {|width=300 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 !align=center|Image:Swift Strike Ring icon.png || Swift Strike Ring |- |colspan=2 align=center|''A rather plain looking iron ring with ...)
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File:Swift Strike Ring icon.png Swift Strike Ring
A rather plain looking iron ring with a bird's face carved into it. Everything seems to move more slowly while this ring is worn... or maybe the wearer is just moving faster. Unfortunately, at such speeds, vision becomes slightly blurred.
Value 5,000p
Burden 15
Restrictions ToD
Special Properties Dropped on Death
Spells Major Quickness, Bafflement Self IV, Hastening, Saladur's Blessing
Spellcraft 350
Mana 3000, 1/30 sec
Rare # 230