Quest Summary
Quest type Solo
XP Reward
XP Cap
Item Reward
Title Reward
Starting location
Level Restrictions
Level Suggestions
Introduced in Lonely in the World
Updated in Fever Dreams
A Perfect Paradox
Treaties in Stone

Walk Through

Base Weapon

Bound Weapon

  1. Travel to the Black Dominion dungeon at 88.6S 25.9W on the South Landbridge. To get there you can take the South Direlands portal west of Mayoi on a hill at 62.2S 77.1E. From the drop run south to the coast, then follow the shore due east to 88.6S 25.9W.

Ultimate Weapon


Lore & Dialog

Leashed Virindi tells you, "Yes, I still obey the Master. Please. If you have the Glowing Virindi Cloak, I will take it in exchange for the Singularity Spear. Please. If you have a Singularity Spear, let me enhance it for you. Please?"

You give War Magic Minion Glowing Virindi Cloak.
War Magic Minion gives you Singularity Scepter of War Magic.

Broken Virindi tells you, "Yes, I obey the Master. Please. If you have the Glowing Mosswart Hide, I will take it in exchange for the reward that the Master feels is appropriate."
Broken Virindi tells you, "Here, Master wishes for you to have this."
Broken Virindi gives you Denouement.