Introduced: | From the Darkest Depths | Related Quests: | Grael's Summoning Chamber |
- Value: 5,000
- Burden: 50
- Spells: Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded
- Wield requires level 140
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 400
- Mana: 6,000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 50 seconds.
- A spellcasting orb used to recall to the Rossu Morta Chapterhouse.
Notes Edit
- Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall (This spell teleports the caster to the Chapterhouse of the Rossu Morta.)
- Destination is the Rossu Morta Chapterhouse.
- To use the recall spell, target yourself, then click on the far left icon in the spell bar, then use.