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Lilitha's Lost Bow
Level: Any
Type: Solo
Starts With: Eldrista the Adventurer
Starts At: 35.7N, 33.4E near Holtburg
Repeat: 20 Hours


Eldrista doesn't like mucking about dungeons, so asks you to do the dirty work for her.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. She will ask you to retrieve Lilitha's Bow from the Hunter's Leap found nearby at 35.7N, 32.6E.
  2. At the drop, go southeast and jump onto the raised platform. Follow the platform around and jump into the east corridor.
  3. You should come to another raised platform with multiple paths, take the left path heading east.
  4. At the next intersection go straight on through the south passage to a ledge overlooking a ramp below.
  5. Jump off and at the top of the ramp make a left and you'll see another very steep ramp, this time heading down.
  6. At the bottom are some rooms behind the ramp. Lilitha's Broken Bow spawns next to a Revitalizing Fountain in the southeast room.
  7. Return it to Eldrista the Adventurer, who will mend the bow and give you an xp reward. If you do not want the bow you can give it to her for some small additional xp.

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Hunter's Leap 35.7N, 32.6E -- 01C6





Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "No more scrabbling in dungeons for me! If you want some of Lilitha's dirty old arrows, you can go get them yourself!"
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "What? You want the story? Well, just west of here is a dungeon called Hunter's Leap. You'll find it around 35.7N, 32.6E. Legend has it that the great hunter Lilitha lived there when she was younger, while she practiced her skills."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "I never met her myself, but I have a lot of respect for someone with that kind of spirit. Anyway, when she moved out, she left behind a lot of the bows and arrows she had made -- substandard work, stuff she wasn't happy with. But it's still better than what most of these so-called archers can make today."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "I made my living for a long time by collecting the arrows she left behind and selling them. But then the banderlings moved out and a new bunch moved in and my Farmer left and ... I just don't think I want to do that anymore."
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "But ... if you find one of her old bows, bring it to me and I'll see what I can do for a reward.

Handing in Lilitha's Broken Bow

You give Eldrista the Adventurer Lilitha's Broken Bow.
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "Very nice. I see you found one of the rarer pieces of Lilitha's work. A pity some idiot stepped on it and cracked it. You didn't step on this, did you? No matter, I think I can fix it..."
Eldrista the Adventurer works on the bow for a moment
Eldrista the Adventurer gives you Lilitha's Bow.
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "Here you go, all fixed. And a little something extra for letting me practice fixing something so well-crafted."
You've earned 353,080 experience.

Handing in Lilitha's Bow

You give Eldrista the Adventurer Lilitha's Bow.
Eldrista the Adventurer tells you, "Not the archer type, huh? Ah well, I guess I can give you something else for it."
You've earned 44,135 experience.

Facility Hub Warden

Warden tells you, "A great hunter, Lilitha, onced lived in a place called Hunter's Leap. When she was young she honed her skills in Archery as well as crafting weapons here."
Warden tells you, "You can still discover a great number of bows she left behind."
Warden tells you, "Eldrista the Adventurer has spent much time learning of Lilitha and has put great effort into making Lilitha's old bows usable again."
Warden tells you, "Take the portal to Eldrista, enter the Hunter's Leap and find Lilitha's Broken Bow. Make sure she fixes it for you and show it to me."
Warden tells you, "I'll reward you once I've seen the a working bow that once belonged to the great hunter Lilitha."

Showing Lilitha's Bow to the Warden (Bonus Reward)

You allow Warden to examine your Lilitha's Bow.
Warden tells you, "This is truly a superb bow. If you're an archer you'll certainly be able to make use of it."
Warden tells you, "Here is the reward I promised you."
You've earned 300,000 experience.

Update History


  • Quest introduced.

The Hall of the Tusker King


  • Lilitha's Bow updated.
  • XP reward for repairing the bow increased from 25,000 (flat) to 353,080 (40% up to level 30).
  • XP reward of 44,135 (5% up to level 30) added for turning in the repaired bow.

Reforging the Past

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.