Introduced: | Come What Follows | Related Quests: | Creature Lords |
- Value: 3,000
- Burden: 200
- Covers Head
- Armor Level: 325 (545)
- Slashing: Above Average (422) (708)
- Piercing: Average (325) (545)
- Bludgeoning: Average (325) (545)
- Fire: Below Average (130) (218)
- Cold: Below Average (130) (218)
- Acid: Below Average (195) (327)
- Electric: Below Average (130) (218)
- Nether: Average (325) (545)
- Spells: Unflinching Persistence, Aura of Resistance, Storm's Blessing, Brogard's Defiance
- Wield requires level 50
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 175
- Spellcraft: 200
- Mana: 1320
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
- A crown made of some sort of solidified energy. When you wear it, you fell revitalized and protected. This item has been enhanced by Belinda du Loc.
Notes Edit
- Enhanced by Belinda du Loc of Stonehold from an Energy Crown.
- You give Belinda du Loc Energy Crown.
- Belinda du Loc tells you, "I have enhanced this item using the essence of the creature that once wielded it, put it to good use. If you do not want it give it back and I will reward you alternatively."
- Belinda du Loc gives you Enhanced Energy Crown.
- Can be turned in to Belinda du Loc of Stonehold for 1% exp capping at 500,000.
- You give Belinda du Loc Enhanced Energy Crown
- Belinda du Loc tells you, "I see you didn't want to keep this, that's a shame."
- You've earned 500,000 experience.
ACID | Name | Sample | Hex | ||||
4519 | EnergyCrown | 9F44B5 | |||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |