Introduced: | Dark Materials | Related Quests: | Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger |
- Value: 12,000
- Burden: 20
- Covers Head
- Armor Level: 420 (640)
- Slashing: Average (420) (640)
- Piercing: Average (420) (640)
- Bludgeoning: Average (420) (640)
- Fire: Above Average (630) (960)
- Cold: Above Average (630) (960)
- Acid: Above Average (630) (960)
- Electric: Above Average (630) (960)
- Nether: Average (420) (640)
- Spells: Focus Other Incantation, Harbinger's Coordination, Strength Other Incantation, Harbinger's Endurance, Harbinger's Focus, Harbinger's Quickness, Harbinger's Strength, Harbinger's Willpower, Aura of Resistance, Brogard's Defiance
- Wield requires level 180
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 150, Melee Defense: 310
- Spellcraft: 450
- Mana: 8000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- Four foci taken from the Prodigal Harbinger. When worn on the head they focus the wearer's energies.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by giving the Corrupted Harbinger Blood to the Emissary of Asheron in Old Yanshi at 12.7S 46.5E.
- As the Harbinger's Foci painlessly burrow into your forehead you sense the four elements ebbing and flowing in great magical tides beneath your feet.
- A horrible sensation of loosing a portion of your mind accompanies the fleshy sucking sound as you remove the Harbinger's Foci.
- No ACIDs or palettes for this item could be determined with any known plugins