Tanada House of Storms

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Tanada House of Storms
Quests Tanada House of Storms Quest
Restrictions Level: 80
Quest Flagged
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 68.1S, 45.5E
near Kara
Nearest LS 59.8S, 48.5E
Route Kara to Yukikaze Portal (82.8S 48.2E), run to 68.1S 45.5E.
Map Files: None Available
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Map Dereth Point


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The House of Storms, the first chamber in the Tanada training school. The surface portal cannot be tied, recalled or summoned either. Contains the Tanada House of Wind. At the end of this short dungeon is the Master of Storms that drops a Medallion of Storms. You must give this medallion to the Tanada Shrine of Storms before you will be allowed to enter the Tanada House of Wind portal behind the shrine.

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