October 2006 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
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Release Notes
Letter to the Players
Town Crier Rumors
Viamontian Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "The crafting of Viamontian Regalia has begun. Show your pride in the glory of Viamont!"
- Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless have been seen running around with sparkling sticks to celebrate some anniversary. They seem to be in quite a festive mood. Not to mention this odd Night Club dungeon that seems to have opened up..."
- Town Crier tells you, "Another of these ridiculous Bloodless festivals is here. They even snuck one of those annoying candy filled monstrosities into Sanamar!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Why is there a floating pumpkin in Sanamar? We should salt the earth there or something."
- Town Crier tells you, "There is news that alchemists have developed new, advanced techniques to infuse their gems with more powerful spells."
- Town Crier tells you, "I do believe I just saw a ghost come by... Are we on good terms with the Undead now?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Who cares about body thieves? We have more important things to consider than who took some moldy corpse from the Fiun."
- Town Crier tells you, "Viamontian Forces in the Valley of Ruin are seeking aid against the rapidly organizing Ruschk forces there. Exterminate the brutes."
- Town Crier tells you, "One of the noble craftsmen in Sanamar has mastered the art of crafting Regalia from the masks of certain Virindi."
- Town Crier tells you, "That Fiun, Layeel, at the Fiun squatter camp seems to think we should help him find there missing dead. Bah!"
- Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless Mask Makers are turning more creature parts into 'costuming'. The Bloodless have the strangest holidays... I can see celebrating by hunting dangerous beasts, but then wearing those creatures as disguises to mug people for candy?"
- Town Crier tells you, "It seems that the alchemists of the realm have perfected a way to imbue their gems with the most powerful known spells... Involving the humble herb Hyssop."
- Town Crier tells you, "A party of Viamontian Hunters, with the King's sanction, have begun rewarding those who aid them against the Ruschk in the Valley of Ruin."
- Town Crier tells you, "I say we dig up all the dead and stick them in some dungeon. Then we can send our convicted felons there. It'd be cheaper than maintaining those royal torture chambers full of Eaters."
- Town Crier tells you, "It's an orange menace! It's a blight on our King's shining glory that is Sanamar! Down with pumpkins and all pumpkin related products!"
Mainland Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "Another Festival Season is here! Thank goodness we were able to deal with Grael."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Rumor has it that the alchemists of the realm have made breakthroughs in their gem-creation techniques!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of the Ruschk further organizing, and beginning to seek aid against the Viamontians in the Valley of Ruin."
- Town Crier tells you, "I just saw someone run by who had their head turned into a Shadow!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Those darn Pumpkin Buffers are back. Give them a whack for me. They can be found in Shoushi, Holtburg, Yaraq and even Sanamar, as well as the original spawning ground of Glenden Wood."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of a Viamontian Mask Maker beginning to produce Regalia, like the ones our Mask Makers craft."
- Town Crier tells you, "Happy Anniversary! Have you gotten a sparkler yet? It makes me feel so festive!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Be careful out there. I've been receiving reports from adventurers that the dead are rising from their graves. Haha! People love telling spooky stories around Festival time! Everyone knows that the dead hang out in ancient dungeons."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear that the Fiun Speaker at the Fiun Outpost is looking for people to help him investigate Lunnum's Disappearance again. I thought we already found the guy who did it."
- Town Crier tells you, "We all know that undead exist, but did you know that people who were killed before they could lifestone have become zombies? Mindless undead haunting the places they were buried. It gives me the creeps."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Due to recent breakthroughs, alchemists should now be able to use Hyssop to fortify alchemical crucible solutions and turn them into gems endowed with the most powerful known spells."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard stories of people finding new heads that the Mask Makers can turn into costuming for the Festival season."
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear rumors that a certain high level mage may have been implicated in the odd corpse theft the Fiun are complaining about."
- Town Crier tells you, "Do you like my costume? I just threw it together this morning. You have to have a costume for Festival Season."
- Town Crier tells you, "A Viamontian crafter in Sanamar has begun to craft Regalia from Virindi Masks, like those crafted by the Aluvian, Gharu'ndim, and Sho crafters."
- Town Crier tells you, "Happy Anniversary! You know, I've heard that the famous Night Club is open for business, but just for a limited time, and only for those who can find a ticket..."
- Town Crier tells you, "Several adventurers have reported that there are Ruschk approaching those in the Valley of Ruin, which is in the Halatean Isles, for aid against the Viamontians."
Ulgrim Rumors
Free Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Terrible, terrible tragedy what's going on with the Fiun and the corpse of Lunnum. Of course, I know who actually stole her corpse, but I promised not to tell, and I wouldn't betray Asheron like that."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oops! I told!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So fall has come, and with it the turn of seasons... It's just not the same here as it was on Ispar, though. Back on Ispar, when fall came around, I used to like to spend whole weekends sitting around, eating liverwurst, drinking stout, and watching gangs of hooligans beat each other to bloody pieces over an inflated pig bladder. Ah, how I miss it."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So, here's what confuses me. You know how there are always a lot of baby animals who show up in the spring? How come we don't see a lot of really old and decrepit animals in the fall? I mean, it stands to reason, right?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, I wouldn't be caught dead in the Valley of Ruin. These are new suede boots. Do you have any idea what Eater drool does to suede?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those Pumpkin Buffers are starting to take hold in new towns. I tell you, if we don't do something now, those things will be everywhere. It's a candy filled plague!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Now, if they were filled with stout, that would be a whole different story!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seven years is a pretty long time, isn't it? That's almost long enough to properly age a decent bottle of whiskey. That is, if you like that kind of stuff. I tried to age a bottle of stout for seven years once. I think I managed to kill it before it escaped my house."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Have you gotten a look at the new regalia? Pretty impressive, right? That's nothing compared to the regalia I've been working on. I'm going to make a mask that looks like the legendary Aluvian king, Osbork the Foamy. He invented stout, you see. No, don't look at me like that. I know Aluvian history better than you do, kid."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I've been to the Night Club. They play too much breakbeat, though, and I'm more of a trance kind of guy. What do you mean, you don't understand what that means? I guess you're not hip enough to hang with old Ulgrim."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So... Now you can slap the highest available spells on alchemical gems. Because of Hyssop. Was that so hard? Amateurs."
Stout Rumors:
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Sure sure sure, you can craft seventh level spell gems using Hyssop to fortify the alchemical mixture, but only us truly elite alchemists know that you can craft tenth-level spell gems with stout. No, I'm not going to teach you the process. Too much of a waste of stout. Everyone would start using it, there'd be a stout shortage, and I'd end up having to kill people for their alchemy kits."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Pssst! I don't tell usually tell anyone about this, but I am the Grand High Master of the Tanada clan! I can throw a keg of stout in the air and cut it open, drinking every drop before it hits the ground."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seven years. That's a long time. I've only been standing in this spot for... Six and a half years. Those first few months, I was selling stout to thirsty tourists in the Vesayen Isles. Business was pretty bad, because MacNiall and his little band of cut-throats kept stealing from me."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I figured, if I wanted to improve business, I better help free people from the Olthoi. And so here we are."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "While I was gone, MacNiall's gang stole the rest of my stout and defiled my store, but I helped free humanity from insect slavery, so I've got that going for me."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, I don't plan to go to the Night Club. The music's too loud, there isn't any stout available, and I don't get along with the owner."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Who's the owner, you ask? Oswald is, of course. What, you think he's just an assassin? He's forming a dance group in his spare time. Oswald's quite the dancer. No one can pop and lock like he can. And his Golemwalk is just... out of sight."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those new masks are really neat and all, but you know who made the best masks on Ispar? Those fun party-loving folk from Milantos. I remember they used to throw these big parties where one guy would dress up as some enormous, bat-winged demon with seven heads, and they'd sacrifice... No, wait, that wasn't a guy in a costume. Never mind."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The pumpkins have returned to Dereth, eh? I suppose they haven't learned their lesson from last year, when we ripped them from their safe and cozy patches, mutilated them with blunt knives, dug out their guts, and stuck burning candles inside the gaping sockets. Silly pumpkins."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Zombies! Did you see those Zombies run past?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Okay, maybe I just imagined it. It seemed so vivid, though..."
New UI and Game Changes
- Alchemy Gems
- You can now craft level VII gems using the hyssop herb.
- Recreation
- New quests, events and items including a new pet, the Pet Pumpkin, introduced for the festive season.
- The Night Club returns to Dereth.
New Quests
- The Black Spear Ice Totem
- Ruschk Kill Task
- Search for Lunnum
- Torgash's Tasks
- Zombie Butler Quest
- Seasonal Quests and Events for October active.
Updated Quests
- Pumpkin Lord Kill Task - Rewards updated.
- Heritage Masks - Viamontian Heritage Masks now available.
New NPCs
- Arialle du Bellenesse
- Commander Rylane di Cinghalle
- Fiun Layeel - 95.9N, 56.8W at the Fiun Outpost
- Kalakh
- Merchant (Night Club)
- Night Club Attendant
- Torgash
- Trilaine di Ricard
- Ungrim the Unpleasant Smelling
Updated NPCs
- Festival Vendor - Now sells new festive items.
- Majestic Pumpkin - New Kill Task and rewards.
New Locations
- Bookcase (Dungeon)
- Night Club
- Temple Entrance - 84.3N 24.7E
- Temple of the Black Spear - 95.5N, 51.8W
- 95.2N, 42.3W - Ruschk Encampment
- 93.5N, 51.4W - Viamontian Knight Encampment
New Items
7th Anniversary Night Club Ticket
Night Club Shirt (2006)
Pack Pumpkin P.
Pack Dark Remoran
Seed of Hope
Sprouting Pumpkin Vine
Ruschk Ice Totem
Small Ruschk Ice Totem
Blue Face Paint Recipe
East Temple Key
West Temple Key
Ritual Chest Key
Storage Crate (Nuhmudira's Dungeon)
Lunnum's Chest
Lunnum's Token
Fiun Crown
Black Skull of Xikma
Old Gravestone
Fresh Zombie Arm
Fresh Zombie Leg
Fresh Zombie Head
Fresh Zombie Torso
Inanimate Zombie Butler
Zombie Butler
The Boar of Cinghalle
The Red Bull
The Royal Bull of Sanamar
The Stag of Bellenesse
Ground Brains
Ground Brains with a Hot Sauce
Ginger Hot Sauce
Mt.Lethe Hellfire Sauce
Brains in Skull with Spoon
Evil Jack o' Lantern
Puzzled Jack o' Lantern
Scared Jack o' Lantern
Stupid Jack o' Lantern
Falatacot Abbess Head
Ghostly Shroud
Shadow Head
Falatacot Abbess Mask
Ghost Guise
Shadow Mask
Vial of Margul Blood
Minor Essence of the Hopeslayer
Mask of the Hopeslayer
Stibnite and Hyssop Crucible
Quicksilver and Hyssop Crucible
Cadmia and Hyssop Crucible
Verdigris and Hyssop Crucible
Brimstone and Hyssop Crucible
Colcothar and Hyssop Crucible
Turpeth and Hyssop Crucible
Cobalt and Hyssop Crucible
Vitriol and Hyssop Crucible
Cinnabar and Hyssop Crucible
Gypsum and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Stibnite and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Quicksilver and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Cadmia and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Verdigris and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Brimstone and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Colcothar and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Turpeth and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Cobalt and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Vitriol and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Cinnabar and Hyssop Crucible
Treated Gypsum and Hyssop Crucible
Adept's Gem of Protection
Adept's Gem of Piercing Protection
Adept's Gem of Blade Protection
Adept's Gem of Bludgeon Protection
Adept's Gem of Acid Protection
Adept's Gem of Cold Protection
Adept's Gem of Fire Protection
Adept's Gem of Lightning Protection
Adept's Gem of Regeneration
Adept's Gem of Rejuvenation
Anniversary Sparkler
Scarecrow Stand
Scarecrow (House Item)
T-mon Backpack Straps
Tremendous Monouga Skull
T-Mon BackPack
Updated Items
White Bunny Slippers - Now white instead of gray in color.
New Titles
New Creatures
Updated Creatures
- Pumpkin Buffer - Now drops Marshmallow Ghosts.
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