September 2006 - Announcements Page
Game Changes Edit
- Non-combat Pets introduced.
- You can now uninscribe loot items items using Uninscription Stones.
- After a long period of darkness, the sun and the sky have once again returned to normal.
New Quests Edit
- Composite Weapons Upgrade
- Cow Tipping
- Nanjou Shou-jen Armor
- Pet Shop Quest
- Silifi of Crimson Night Quest
- Banished Creature Kill Task
- Elemental Kill Task
- Fallen Creature Kill Task
- Kilif Zefir Kill Task
- Rare Game Kill Task
- Tusker Guard Kill Task
Updated Quests Edit
New NPCs Edit
- Belinda du Loc
- Dwennon
- Elise Du Ricard
- Gharon al-Bhavarn
- Hadiya bint Anan
- Larinne Kerendova
- Ma-Kii
- Maqudh al Nishadina
- Master Liao Oazaka
- Renald the Eldest
- Shoichi
- Tamara Mistrunner
- Yuan Hanzu
- Zahir
New Locations Edit
New Items Edit
Enhanced Energy Crown
Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship
Enhanced Robe of the Tundra
Shou-jen Shozoku Jacket
Shou-jen Shozoku Mask
Shou-jen Shozoku Sleeve Gauntlets
Shou-jen Shozoku Trousers
Shou-jen Jika-Tabi
Key to the Chest of Darayavaush
Key to the Crypt of Darayavaush
Baby Drudge Crate
Baby Thrungus Crate
Armoredillo Egg
Ursuin Cub Kennel
Ancient Bone
Hardened Bone
Fossilized Bone
Fine Bone Handle
Superb Bone Handle
Exquisite Bone Handle
Golden Shuriken of Tanada
Cartilage of Old Scratchy
Ruby of Crimson Night
Baby Pet Token
Letter to Renald the Eldest, from Larinne Kerendova
Renald the Eldest's Reply
Letter to Nen Ai, from Larinne Kerendova
Nen Ai's Reply
Letter to May'ad ibn Ibsar, from Larinne Kerendova
May'ad ibn Ibsar's Reply
Letter to Turien Di Furza, from Larinne Kerendova
Turien Di Furza's Reply
List of Hunted Creatures
Kilif Zefir Sites
Crystal of Acidic Elemental Essence
Crystal of Electric Elemental Essence
Crystal of Fiery Elemental Essence
Crystal of Frozen Elemental Essence
File:Composite Bow with Fine Handle Icon.png Composite Bow with Fine HandleFile:Composite Bow with Superb Handle Icon.png Composite Bow with Superb Handle Composite Bow with Exquisite HandleFile:Composite Crossbow with Fine Handle Icon.png Composite Crossbow with Fine HandleFile:Composite Crossbow with Superb Handle Icon.png Composite Crossbow with Superb Handle
Composite Crossbow with Exquisite Handle
Silifi of Crimson Night
Mi Krau-Li's Remastered Jitte
Enhanced Basalt Blade
Enhanced Crystal Sword
Enhanced Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery
Enhanced Fetid Dirk
Enhanced Obsidian Axe
Enhanced Osseous Mace
Enhanced Serpent's Fang
Enhanced Skeletal Atlatl
Enhanced Soul Staff
New Titles Edit
- Obviously Bored
- Tusker Blight
- Elemental Eradicator
- Zefir Zapper
- Expert Fallen Hunter
- Elite Head Hunter
New Creatures Edit
New Dialog Edit
- Town Crier
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Mi Krau-Li has devised another method to upgrade his jitte!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of adventurers coming back from the Halateans, talking about finding new encampments of Ruschk and Viamontian fortifications in the farthest reaches of the Isles."
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about these new uninscription stones? No more words of wisdom passed down from father to son, mother to daughter. Now you can just scratch that stuff out and put naughty limericks on your items."
- Town Crier tells you, "It would seem that hunting is back in season."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors of small, tamed creatures following adventurers around Dereth."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've seen more people running around with those bone and gristle bows recently. I have a friend who uses one of those ghastly contraptions. It's unsanitary if you ask me."
- Town Crier tells you, "A very wise swordsman named Liao Ozaka has taken residence in Mayoi."
- Town Crier tells you, "There are rumors that there is a way to further upgrade the Silifi of Crimson Stars past the first three gems..."
- Town Crier tells you, "Thank goodness we were able to split Grael and defeat him. And it seems that our Dardante problems may be over as long as he stays with his new master."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Adventurers who bear the Improved Jitte of Mi Krau-Li should seek him out again! It seems he has finally improved upon his second design!"
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard several adventurers talking about finding new Viamontian encampments and organized Ruschk encampments in the valley on the Isle of Ruin. I wonder what they are up to now?"
- Town Crier tells you, "News! Uninscription stones are available from the translators in Cragstone, Hebian To, and Zaikhal! The stone only works on general treasure though; unique items don't seem to be affected. It's too bad, I wanted to remove that inscription that Oswald left on my Gertarh's Dagger..."
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousins in Stonehold, Shoushi, Holtburg, and Lin tell me that some interesting folk have moved in recently. What, you don't believe me? We town criers have a lot of cousins."
- Town Crier tells you, "News! A mysterious adventurer named Maqudh al Nishadina has appeared near Zaikhal, claiming to be able to add a fourth stone to the Silifi of Crimson Stars!"
- Town Crier tells you, "My cousin was telling me about a shop near the Obsidian Span that is purportedly selling pets! I want a pet... Hmmm..."
- Town Crier tells you, "We should all be glad for the defeat of Grael and the truce between King Varicci and Queen Elysa. I wonder how long it will last? It seems clear to me, at least, that we could not have unlocked the secrets of Grael and defeated his three aspects without that cooperation. But what do I know? I'm just a town crier."
- Town Crier tells you, "I have an archer friend who asked Master Hanzu in Ayan Baqur to upgrade his bow a few months ago. It seems the Bowyer Master took his request seriously and has figured out a way to upgrade the Composite Bows and Crossbows."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant
Free Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know, some days I really miss my old pet from Ispar. I had a cat. I named him Wobbles. Boy, could that cat drink."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So, we split Grael into three different aspects? I was the one who suggested it to those fellows over there. See, it happened to me once, very disconcerting."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "There were all these Ulgrims running around and drinking up all the stout and lager! What a nightmare. I'm glad the only one left is my good friend whatshisname back at my house. I hate to think of other aspects of me hidden around the world."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Old Hanzu over there has been doing a pretty brisk business recently. All sorts of weird people toting bones and guts and various nasty parts of creatures have been visiting him. I think he's been dabbling in the dark arts. You know, Folk Art."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh boy, Mi Krau-Li finally improved his jitte again, eh? What were the odds? Somehow I suspect that daft old skeleton is going to be hammering away in his little workshop a thousand years after I've become hops-scented dust in the wind."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Uninscription Stones? Sweet Mattekar Milk that's something!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I can finally uninscribe my underwear. I am so sick of seeing Property of Asheron Realadain every morning."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Did you see Oswald? He was just here! He said he was going to have to start killing people again because, ever since he started helping us out with that whole Grael thing, people stopped being afraid of him."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I think I saw one of the Drudge Flying Machines float overhead the other day. Strange thing though. It was full of Sclavus. They must have stolen it or something. Sclavus on a Drudge Flying Machine, now I've seen everything."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You should have seen it! Grael flew into town on these giant wings of billowing shadow. Then the Town Criers took off to warn the queen and he started stalking around looking for someone to eat. I cast a magical disruption spell on him which held him for a few seconds, but then he was free and bearing down on me with ferocious strength. His long talons gleaming with the blood of his latest victims. I dodged to the left, then to the right at the last moment and sent him hurdling into the side of the building. As he spun around I splashed Tusker Spit Ale in his eyes and then started pummeling him with my mug until he finally took to the air cursing my power and resolve."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "By the time the militia showed up he was nearly out of sight."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "This town owes me a debt of gratitude. I was thinking a statue of me over there would be nice."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Nice to see the sun has come back out. It was getting a bit depressing there for awhile. I can't believe that someone powerful enough to realign the planets could be stupid enough to fall for the old 'divide and conquer' technique. I guess he wasn't awake when Gaerlan got his comeuppance."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I found a fossilized Gromnatross turd the other day! I'm going to make a bow out of it!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I can finally uninscribe my underwear. I am so sick of seeing Property of Asheron Realadain every morning."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's nice that Varicci and Elysa were able to defeat Grael by pooling their resources. It reminds me of an important lesson I learned when I was a kid. My sister and I both liked to sneak mugs of ale from the tavern in our town. When we learned to work together, we were able to steal whole kegs. See, I should be a teacher somewhere."
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