Guardian of the Singularity

Revision as of 19:05, 21 May 2015 by (talk)
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Introduced:  Lost in the New Horizon Related Quests:  Caul Flagging
Guardian of the Singularity
Class Virindi
Level 135
XP 250,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Slash, Fire
Weaknesses Fire, Slash
Strength 325
Endurance 400
Coordination 350
Quickness 350
Focus 350
Self 350
Health 1500
Stamina 600
Mana 600
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

Dialog Edit

On death

The Virindi's cloak seems to boil, as if a thousand insects were seeking to escape before it collapses. The dying Virindi shares its final thoughts with you
"Your life is forfeit, human. You simply do not know it yet. In killing me, <Player>, you have gained access to your doom."

As the Virindi falls to the ground, there is a bright flash of light!