Whispering Caverns

Revision as of 02:13, 8 December 2014 by (talk) (template clean up)
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Whispering Caverns
Quests Aerbax's Prodigal Tusker (Dark Bobo)
Restrictions Level: 130
Tieable: Yes
Recallable: Yes
Summonable: No
Coordinates 14.9S 86.0E
on Aphus Lassel
near Oolutanga's Refuge
Nearest LS N/A
Route Either run west from Aphus Lassel drop to the extreme island, then south to 14.9S 86.0E, or use the Dangerous Portal statue at your mansion to get to Aphus, then run due west to 14.9S 86.0E.
Map Files: Wiki Map
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


Notes Edit

The entrance to the dungeon is in the side of a rock, hidden behind a bush. The passage leads down to the dungeon portal. Both the entrance and exit can be tied/recalled, but cannot be summoned.

Maps Edit

  • Wiki Map:

NPCs Edit

Creatures Edit





Items and Objects Edit

Portals Edit

  • Surface Portal not far from drop, tiable and recallable but isn't summonable.

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.