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In the Dark

Aun Tanua was a great hero. Perhaps the greatest hero who ever walked the lands of Dereth.

But there is one power beyond the reach of all heroes. The power to turn back time.

The power to undo crimes that have been committed. To snatch back lived that were taken too soon.

When Aun Tanua knew himself to be a murderer, his heart was shattered. There was no vengeance left for him to take. But, still, there was honor. There was courage. And there was sacrifice.

For one shining moment, Aun Tanua gave himself to the Animae of the Tumeroks. The Great Spirits flowed through him and their truth struck down Wharu's lie.

Wharu is an impostor. He is no Great Spirit. He is merely a thing of hunger and darkness, dressed in the tattered robes of deception.

Aun Tanua lies broken. His battle is over. But the thing-Wharu, the deceiver, the fraud, still lingers.