Introduced:  Into the Darkness
Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter
Non-Player Killer
Race Aun Tumerok
Title Trophy Collector
Location 87.8S 67.2W in Candeth Keep
Level 78
Strength 190
Endurance 125
Coordination 200
Quickness 139
Focus 130
Self 60
Health 203
Stamina 295
Mana 70

Notes Edit

Crafter Turn Ins Edit

Accepted Items Rewards
Experience Pyreals Items

Dialog Edit

Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter tells you, "If you give me the hide of an armoredillo, gromnie, reedshark, or mattekar, I can make something with it that you may find useful."
Scourge's Hide

You give Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter Scourge's Hide.

Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter tells you, "I've seen something like this recently. Came from a carenzi though, it mottled and smelled rank. Much like this. Where are you finding these creatures?"

Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter tells you, "Well, I've done the best I can."

Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter gives you Scourge's Hide Leggings.