Introduced:  Release
Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing
  • Value: 5
  • Burden: 25
Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing

Notes Edit

You give Wing Collector Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing.

Wing Collector tells you, "This will make a great addition to my collection."

You've earned 3,750 experience.

Wing Collector gives you 2,000 Pyreals.

  • Give to a Collector for 3,750xp and 1,000 pyreals.


You give Collector Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing.

Collector tells you, "These are my favorite and they are hard to find."

You've earned 3,750 experience.

Collector gives you 1,000 Pyreals.

Collector tells you, "Jingle jingle, eh?"
Uziz Collector

You give Collector Gold Phyntos Wasp Wing.

Collector tells you, "Yes. I will take this."

You've earned 3,750 experience.

Collector gives you 1,000 Pyreals.

  • One of the items used to purchase many Villas.
  • Does not stack.

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