Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Hea Nyrenauri the Healer
Non-Player Killer
Race Tumerok
Location 47.2N, 90.4W in Ahurenga
Level 16
Strength 150
Endurance 120
Coordination 100
Quickness 100
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 170
Stamina 230
Mana 170

Notes Edit

  • Route: From the Town Network, take the Annex wing (south) to Ahurenga.
  • See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.

Currency Edit


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Lore & Dialog Edit


Hea Nyrenauri the Healer tells you, "The Virindi have only our best interests in mind--if you engaged their friendship, you might benefit as well."

Buying From

Hea Nyrenauri the Healer tells you, "If you had only half of Hea Arantah's powers you would not have need for items such as these. Perhaps one day you will be lucky enough to meet our friends, the atual arutoa."

Selling To

Hea Nyrenauri the Healer tells you, "My thanks. Doubtless there will be more who have need of these."


Hea Nyrenauri the Healer tells you, "Be careful as you adventure here--the Aun are not to be trusted. I would not be surprised if they tried to drag you into their hopeless crusade."