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September 2002: Verdict Part 5 July 2003: A Swelling Tide

Video Edit

File:Asheron's Call The Iron Coast Teaser (Official)

Transcript Edit

Announcer: Tired of the same humdrum sights?

Announcer: Has Aerlinthe lost its charm?

Announcer: Sick of fighting the olthoi hordes?

Announcer: Then come to Aphus Lassel!

Announcer: Take in the local color!

Announcer: See the unusual flora and fauna!

Announcer: Explore ancient mysteries left by Asheron's people with discoveries only you can find!

Announcer: Purchase wares to take home for family and friends!

Announcer: Yes, escape the ordinary!

Announcer: Escape to Aphus Lassel!

Announcer: Ooo, that's gotta hurt!

Notes Edit

  • Originally available at (Web Archive)