Introduced:  A Reign of Stone
Myrlat the Physician
Non-Player Killer
Race Lugian
Location Linvak Tukal, E Corner, 1st Floor
Level 73
Strength 310
Endurance 280
Coordination 250
Quickness 160
Focus 135
Self 170
Health 240
Stamina 390
Mana 230

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Myrlat the Physician tells you, "The Shadows overran our city. But soon, they were gone. I can only hope that Captain K'rank's valiant efforts frightened them witless. But perhaps there was something else... Perhaps they merely sought to test our defenses?"

Buying From

Myrlat the Physician tells you, "I'm certain that will come in handy..."

Selling To

Myrlat the Physician tells you, "I have no use for this myself, but perhaps I can sell it to another adventurer."


Myrlat the Physician tells you, "I cannot heal those whom I cannot see. Speak with Lord Kresovus. Return our beloved Balor to us."