Reawakening/Part Nine
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Reawakening, Part Nine

Nuhmudira was the last to arrive. She walked into the meeting hall and sat opposite Celdiseth who met her gaze without fear. Elysa waited for the room to settle and then called the room to order.
"For nearly the past two months I have fought for my life. I have thanks to offer to all of you who spent so much time in search of a remedy and cure for my ailment, and for seeing to the safety of our home. I am grateful to all of you, for everything that was done."
Murmurs of shared gratitude filtered among the council. All were here: Lord Kresovus of the Linvak Lugians, Aun Hareltah of the Aun Tumerok, the Archmages Celdiseth, Fadsahil, Shoyanen and Nuhmudira, Ciandra the head of the Arcanum, and Antius. All were here save Asheron. Elysa raised her hands to quiet them.
"While I struggled to live I realized something about myself, about all of us. All who share Dereth. We are a diverse people, whose backgrounds stretch from the arcane to the mystical and to the physical. But in this room, we are all leaders. We make decisions that are meant to be in the best interest of the people who live in this world, our people.
"We mandate, discuss, bandy ideas and trade information in this council. But we do not hear the will of the people. We humans do not walk amongst our own as do the lugians and tumeroks. I envy the positions of Lord Kresovus and Aun Hareltah. They are leaders, in the sense that I wish to be.
"One part of why I believe I have failed to be this kind of leader is Lord Asheron. I have looked to him for advice and guidance for several years, and during that time I have come to rely upon him as an aged man would rely upon a cane. No longer."
Again the murmurs began. Nuhmudira was silent but it was obvious to Antius that she was thinking of the possibilities that were available to her with the elder mage removed. Or perhaps it was the shock of knowing that Elysa had spoken to Asheron. Antius was bothered by her lack of reaction. He expected that she would give something away, anything that would be a tell-tale sign that she had tried to imprison the mage on his island. There was nothing.
"Asheron has agreed to leave his seat upon this council. He has, like me, returned to his primary concern, his people. I would ask…that Aun Hareltah and Lord Kresovus do the same. I desire to hear the words and ideas of your peoples, but I beg you not to succumb to the corruption of your ideals. You are strong leaders who believe in me. Send ambassadors in your place. They shall sit in your seats and speak in your voices."
Elysa had spoken to them a week prior to the council meeting. They were apprised of how the conversation would flow and were not offended by the words. They were flattered and had already chosen the names of their ambassadors.
"The Linvak shall send Grevik Mar to sit upon this council." Lord Kresovus responded.
"My son shall sit upon your council and speak in his father's voice." Aun Hareltah offered.
Elysa nodded and continued. "Further, I wish to restructure the remainder of the council. I would like to ask Celdiseth to remain as Master of the Arm, Fadsahil as Master of the Right Hand, Shoyanen as the Master of the Left hand and Ciandra as the Master of the Heart. Antius will serve as my Seneschal and should I be absent or otherwise indisposed he will speak with my voice. Antius will also act as my chief ambassador to the Aun and Linvak."
Of course, the other members of the council also knew of Elysa's intentions. Only Nuhmudira was without previous knowledge. She sat in silence, bordering it seemed on rage or apathy. Antius could not read the woman.
"Nuhmudira," Elysa spoke plainly, "you have served upon this council and as a councilor with the Zaikhal mages for over a decade. You have served the people of Dereth in a manner that I feel has been exemplary. You lead the people against the Ancient Olthoi Queen, for that I am grateful…and for that, I must ask that you step down from the council.
"Your actions were rash, without thought and without the unanimous support of your peers. While you remain one of the strongest mages amongst the Isparians, you lied openly to me and to this council. You did not visit Asheron with the glands that were taken from the Olthoi. Where those glands went, I do not know. I know that you lied, and duped myself, this council and the people."
Nuhmudira remained stolid. She did not blink. She stared Elysa down in a contest of wills it appeared. Elysa met the old woman's gaze with a steely glare of her own.
"Were it not for your years of service and the efforts that you made while with the Arcanum in assuring the Isparians of shelter for years to come I would have sought a punishment more befitting. But as it stands we still owe you much.
"We thank you for your service, Nuhmudira. We wish you well in your future."
No one spoke. There were no polite murmurs of thanks, only tension. Nuhmudira stared at Elysa, and Elysa did not back down. A minute passed with the two locked in this test of wills.
"Nuhmudira, I will say this only once more, and if you do not comply I will remove you from this room. You will not approve of the method by which I banish you. We thank you for your service, now leave." Elysa's voice took on a steel cold edge that cut the tension in twain. Antius fiddled his peace knot free and prepared to step between Elysa and Nuhmudira. But the stalemate abated as Nuhmudira bowed her eyes and then her head.
"I wish…" Nuhmudira began, "to say only a few words before I depart, and then you will no longer need to worry about the ‘Monster in the Labyrinth.' I have always done my best to serve the people of Dereth. I will continue to do so. I have—for some time now, I have desired to retire from this…council, to pursue the opportunity to educate the future generations of Isparians. With your leave, High Queen, I wish to reserve the ability to do so."
"Aye, you can." Elysa smiled. "I would never restrict the goals and aspirations of any Isparian upon Dereth."
Nuhmudira nodded. "Very good, very good." She rose. "I will see you in Arwic, perhaps. That is where I shall build my school. Though it will take me much time to gather the necessary materials." She bowed her head, and smiled weakly. She looked about the table one last time. "I wish you all—well."
Without a word, without the use of casting element she was gone.
"No casting device." Celdiseth said between clenched teeth. "Not the first time, eh?"
Elysa shook her head. "I have seen her do such before."
"Well lass, she's definitely not like us anymore. And I'd say she doesn't much like us anymore, either." Celdiseth smiled. Antius released the grip on his sword.