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Tanada House of Water Quest
Level: 80
Type: Solo
Starts With: Meshenq
Starts At: 13.8N, 0.6E in Zaikhal
Repeat: 20 Hours
Quest Chain: 1. Tanada House of Storms Quest
2. Tanada House of Earth Quest
3. Tanada House of Water Quest
4. Tanada Temple of Black Water Quest
5. Tanada House of Fire Quest

Overview Edit

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Meshenq will give you a Tanada Gate Medallion.
  2. Put on the Tanada Gate Medallion (necklace) and enter the Tanada House of Water dungeon at 85.3S, 5.8W.
  3. Work your way through the linear dungeon until you reach the Consul to the Tanada.
  4. Kill him and loot the Tanada Consul's Message Shard from his corpse.
  5. Give the message shard to Diyas al-Yat at 13.8N, 0.1E in Zaikhal. He will return Tanada House of Water Orders.
  6. Give your Tanada Gate Medallion to Diyas al-Yat and he will return a Channeled Tanada Medallion.
    • Optional: If you don't want the medallion, hand it back to Diyas al-Yat for additional XP.
  7. Now head back to Meshenq and hand him the Tanada House of Water Orders to receive experience and a Copy of Tanada House of Water Orders.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Tanada House of Water 85.3S, 5.8W -- --

Rewards Edit

Hand in Gate Medallion to Diyas al-Ya
Give back unwanted Channeled Tanada Medallion
Experience: 6,891,063 (5% up to level 120)
Hand in Tanada House of Water Orders to Meshenq
Experience: 27,564,250 (??% up to level ??)

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Meshenq tells you, "Ah! Sayuji Jina told me of you! You helped her investigate the Tanada houses of Earth and Air, did you not? Excellent! I need your help now."

Meshenq gives you Tanada Gate Medallion.

Meshenq tells you, "I was exploring the southern land bridge when I was attacked by a pair of Tanada! But these were strange Tanada, not like the descriptions I've heard from Jina. They killed me and sent me back to my lifestone here in Zaikhal, but before I died I was able to tear this medallion off one of them..."

Meshenq tells you, "My camp was at 85.2 S, 4.4 W, and I think they came from the west. I would advise you to search the area and see if you can locate some trace of the Tanada presence... Please bring me back any evidence you might turn up of what has brought the Tanada to that area."
Returning to Meshenq

Meshenq tells you, "We have spoken already, have we not? I asked you to journey to my camp at 85.2 S, 4.4 W on the southern land bridge and see if you can track the Tanada who came from the west to attack me. Please, go there and bring me back whatever evidence you find of the Tanada's activities. The trail grows colder as we speak..."
Consul to the Tanada

Consul to the Tanada tells you, "This world no longer belongs to your kind!"

My master will take his revenge, weakling flesh puppet!

Meshenq tells you, "Ah, so you found some kind of black crystal shard on a Virindi that was hiding among the Tanada? Fascinating. I hadn't counted on Virindi involvement, and they are quite beyond my realm of expertise. I think you should give it to Diyas al-Yat here in Zaikhal. He's able to translate those strange artifacts... Please bring me the translation that he gives you."
Showing Tanada Consul's Message Shard to Meshenq

You allow Meshenq to examine your Tanada Consul's Message Shard.

Meshenq tells you, "I can't make much sense of this. Please give it to Diyas al-Yat here in Zaikhal. He should be able to translate it. Please just give me his translation."
Giving Tanada Consul's Message Shard to Diyas al-Ya

You give Diyas al-Yat Tanada Consul's Message Shard.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Ah, a message shard from a Virindi Consul found in the southern land bridge? Most intriguing... Let me see if I can translate it for you..."

A strange, cold light emanates from the eyes of Diyas al-Yat as he concentrates on the message shard.

Diyas al-Yat gives you Tanada House of Water Orders.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "I have translated the shard for you. You should bring that translation to Meshenq. He will know what to do with such dire news. Imagine, Nanjou Shou-Jen corrupted by the chaos Virindi! Such an abomination!"

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Also, Meshenq has told me he gave you a medallion he took from the Tanada who attacked him. The medallion is attuned to the corrupted spirits of the House of Water Tanada. If you give it to me, I can channel its magic to make it useful to you, but I am afraid it will lose the property that grants you access to the House of Water. Not that you need to go to that foul place any more..."
Handing in Tanada House of Water Orders to Meshenq

You give Meshenq Tanada House of Water Orders.

Meshenq tells you, "A house of the Tanada has been corrupted by the chaos Virindi? Terrible news! I have much to report to my colleagues who share this task of investigating the Tanada... In the meanwhile, I thank you for your excellent service."

You've earned 27,564,250 experience.

Meshenq tells you, "I'll also give you a copy of this translation, for your own edification..."

Meshenq gives you Copy of Tanada House of Water Orders.
Handing in Gate Medallion to Diyas al-Ya

You give Diyas al-Yat Tanada Gate Medallion.

Diyas al-Yat gives you Channeled Tanada Medallion.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Yes, as I may have mentioned, this medallion is attuned to the corrupted life-force of the Nanjou
Shou-Jen who have given themselves to the dominion of the chaotic Virindi... Truly tragic. I can channel the magic in this medallion to be useful to you, but it will no longer grant you access to the House of Water. I can't imagine why you'd want to go back in there, though."

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "If you don't find this channeled medallion useful, you can just give it to me and I'll compensate you with general training."
Showing channeled medallion to Meshenq

You allow Meshenq to examine your Channeled Tanada Medallion.

Meshenq tells you, "It was very thoughtful of Diyas to enchant that for you, but I don't think you should be giving it to me... I don't have much use for it. If you don't want it, perhaps you should give it back to him."
Handing in Channeled Tanada Medallion to Diyas al-Ya

You give Diyas al-Yat Channeled Tanada Medallion.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Ah, you don't find this useful? A pity. The patterns are so mesmerizing..."

You've earned 6,891,063 experience.
Returning to Meshenq

Meshenq tells you, "Ah, you've already helped me with my incident in the wilds, have you not? I am confident that you brought justice to those Tanada and whoever is directing them. I thank you again, but there is nothing more I would ask of you now."

Update History Edit

Ancient Enemies

  • Quest introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.