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When can we expect better alligience UI?

Asked: 2000.10.31
Name: Julian
Question Title: When can we expect better alligience UI?
Category: Allegiances
Question: How much of a priority is better alligience UI to you guys, in the line of things, bug fixes, balancing, new spells, new content, houses, horses, etc?

Can we expect it soon?
What will it be like? Personally, I'd like some sort fellowship-type thing except you don't have to be there and xp isn't shared and use just click "join alligience chat" or something on the alligience panel and "leave alligience chat" if you're busy. :)

Answered: 2000.10.31
Name: Ken Troop
Answer: Allegiance features are high on our list for development. I won't go into specifics until we get the features more fleshed out, but giving monarchs more tools to manage their allegiances, and allowing more intra-allegiance communication between players are things we would like to see implemented in the next few months.