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Does the range of the compass view ever increase?

Asked: 2000.11.04
Name: Malphunktion
Question Title: Does the range of the compass view ever increase?
Category: Character
Question: I have read in another question on this board that the distance from the dot in the center of your compass to the outer limit is something like 60 meters. This is all well and good, except that the range on most bows that I have seen and a few higher level war spells is like 80 meters.

Does the range from the center of the compass to the outer edge ever increase (i.e. with level, with a higher focus, ect...) so that we will be able to effectively target and/or detect monsters out to the ranges of these weapons/spells?

Thank you,

Answered: 2000.11.06
Name: Sean.
Answer: The range of the compass is 75 meters.

The range DOES change when you enter a building or dungeon, however, to 25 meters.

(I will double check these numbers and change them if they're wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is right.)