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Why don't Sho characters get an extra skill?

Asked: 2001.02.08
Name: Sean Lippiatt
Question Title: Why don't Sho characters get an extra skill?
Category: Character
Question: I have been playing AC for quite a while now, and up until rescently I have always chosen to be Aluvian. A few weeks back I desided to start a new character, and this time I chose to be Sho (wanted to see want all the UA-hype was about). Well today decided to raise my Assess Person skill a few points like I have been able to do before. One problem though, it's not a trained skill. I hadn't realized that Assess Person was a freebie skill for Aluvian's. As far as why I never noticed that I was getting a free skill before...what can I say, I like beer.

Anyway, I did a little snooping and discovered that Gharu'ndim characters get Appraise Item as a freebie, but nothing for Sho. I am assuming that it has to do with the fact that UA costs 6 points to train, and that if you add Assess Person and Dagger you get 6 points, likewise same with Appraise Item and Staff. Is this correct?

Answered: 2001.02.13
Name: Eric Heimburg
Answer: Yep.