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Will you ever be able to "fix" the xp cap at level 126?

Asked: 2001.02.21
Name: Won
Question Title: Will you ever be able to "fix" the xp cap at level 126?
Category: Character
Question: I have read the Q&A;'s regarding the 4 billion XP cap associated with level 126, and understand the reasons why it is so.

As people rapidly approach that cap will you be looking for ways to move the cap? or circumvent it so those who make it to 126 can continue to advance?

Or will it have to be reroll time for those characters?

If you cannot or will not give a direct answer to the avoe question can you at least tell us how hard it would be to make a change to the DB's to allow more xp? Or to implement something to circumvent the limitations already in the DB?


Answered: 2001.03.15
Name: Eric Heimburg
Answer: First off, most people don't realize that the ramp for the last few levels is pretty steep. Yeah, there are people in the 100s, but those last few levels get harder and harder to reach. Getting to level 110 take about 2 billion XP. To get from 110 to 126 takes ANOTHER 2 billion XP.

Reaching level 126 is hard.

But once you reach the cap, you're done getting levels. We can't easily add more room to grow. If a substantial portion of our users hit the max level some day, we would, of course, have to revisit this issue. But we're talking about a large resource expenditure to fix the problem.

** removed comment saying that "nobody is really near level 126", as Tim the Enchantor has, in fact, reached level 126.