Turbine Games Q&A/Combat/Q-18
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=692
Does Range reduce your chance to hit with Bow?
Asked: | 2000.11.01 |
Name: | Matrix Meligant |
Question Title: | Does Range reduce your chance to hit with Bow? |
Category: | Combat |
Question: | It seems that at 70yards or so I miss a lot but when the target gets in that 30 yard "sweet" spot I hit more often. This is noticable usually on critters that have a missle def value near your attack skill. I've never missed a Drudge Slave at any range. |
Answered: | 2000.11.01 |
Name: | devilmouse |
Answer: | Yes, range affects missile weapon accuracy. Thus the inclusion of the accuracy bar. |