Turbine Games Q&A/Dungeons/Q-30
Original Link (now dead) - http://www.turbinegames.com/qa/view_questions.html?id=3881
Invisible Doors
Asked: | 2000.12.10 |
Name: | weirdo |
Question Title: | Invisible Doors |
Category: | Dungeons |
Question: | Does the current graphics engine allow "invisible doors", or in another words, the ability to put a hole or pathway into a wall which from the character's point of view would still be a wall? |
Answered: | 2000.12.11 |
Name: | Stormwaltz |
Answer: | Sort of, but it's hacky. We have a few in game, such as in Smuggler's Fort or the Qualabar Lugian outpost. The problem is that because of engine limits, these "doors" look solid but are really transparent - anything behind them will sort through them. |