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Portal stones...

Asked: 2000.11.06
Name: Kaiser Souze
Question Title: Portal stones...
Category: Items
Question: Would it be possible to introduce Portal Gems. i.e. gems that are marked as opening a portal to a specific location. Depending on the location they would cost more or less (portal gem to subway=10000p people would pay it). I just think this would be a fun and useful tool to people who like to wilderness hunt, but can't carry the loot back. Or lvl 12 chars who think the olthoi nest is a piece of cake and then find out they're over they'r heads.

Answered: 2000.11.07
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: It's an idea we've tossed around. We don't want them to become too ubiquitous, at the expense of undermining Item mages. Destinations and availability would be very limited, cost would be fairly high. We'll never sell portal gems to already crowded areas like Arwic, Tethana, or Ayan Baqur.

I like the idea of selling portal gems to the newbie towns (only) at the master archmages - Aluvian towns from Celdiseth, Gharu'n from Nuhmudira, etc. They might be worth 5-8K a piece.