Untranslated Bound Falatacot Fragment
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 20
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A scrap of leathery skin, with twisted runes scorched into it.

Notes Edit

Harkwull the Discreet Untranslated Bound Falatacot Fragment.

You've earned 6,891,000 experience.

Harkwull the Discreet tells you, "What a grisly memento the Falatacot left behind. Still, very curious, and it gives us an insight into Dardante's operations. A job well done. I feel confident in admitting you to the Whispering Blade. You can be trusted to see most of the translation... There are some parts that must still be reserved for our most senior members. On behalf of our Grand Master, I thank you."

Harkwull the Discreet gives you Ring of the Whispering Blade.

Harkwull the Discreet gives you Translated Bound Falatacot Fragment.