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Zogblaster Archive

Asheron's Call is the ultimate in immersive fantasy: a massively multi-player, persistent role-playing game filled with stunning visuals and an ongoing epic story that evolves as you play.

The latest in the ongoing saga that is the development of Asheron's Call...

May 24, 1999

Asheron's Call is nominated Best Online Multiplayer Game of E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo)

May 7, 1999

Microsoft's official Asheron's Call Web Site goes live!
Gamegirlz has posted interviews with two Turbinites: Eri Izawa and Deb Matteson.
Microsoft releases Asheron's Call movies to various sites -- You can get them here:
Gamestats - The Olthoi
AC Stratics - The Magic
AC Vault - The Waterfall
The Not Crazy Network - The Atlas
LA Source.net - The Characters - (no longer available on this site)
The Listeners - The Shop - (no longer available on this site)
The RPG Network - The Combat

April 1, 1999

Please sign up with us if you wish to receive news on future Asheron's Call events and progress.

March 29th, 1999

On March 26th, we participated in Microsoft's Beta Sign-up for Asheron's Call. Thank you for applying. The Sign-up is now closed.

March 25th, 1999

More March Mayhem!
Beta Sign-up re-opened on March 26 for a very brief period.
We've added information on Dereth and Social Features, such as Dereth's calendar, a list of character emotes, and allegiance titles for the different heritage groups.

March 15th, 1999

March Mayhem Continues!
Turbine Releases Exclusive Video of Asheron's Call to GAMESPOT!

March 8th, 1999

March Mayhem Begins!
Microsoft reveals our Day/Night cycle movie ( MPG(1.1mb) or .AVI (10mb) ) in an interview with Toby Ragaini, Lead Designer for Asheron's Call.
Stay Tuned! In the next few days, we will be revealing the first Asheron's Call video featuring combat, spells, monsters and more!
We're hiring! We revamped our Jobs page.

February 26th, 1999

Turbine presents a sneak preview of Asheron's Call: March Mayhem! Check here for our first batch of hardware-accelerated, Direct3D screenshots, and our FIRST EVER video footage of Asheron's Call in action. Come back next week and onward -- there's more to come!
As part of their Gamestock 99, Microsoft has released a new interview with Toby Ragaini, Asheron's Call's lead designer. Check it out!
In other news, we have stopped taking applications for our beta test. But despair not, testers-to-be: we've collected thousands upon thousands of applications, and we'll be going through them all. Stay tuned.

Notes Edit

For subsections, see: