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It was a new beginning…for all of us. Old differences have been set aside between the Lugians, Tumeroks, and Humans, as we work to rebuild our land.

But not all ancient enmities were so easily laid to rest…the Drudges, scourge of Osteth during the Devastation, are once more threatening to ravage the land.

And the Drudges apparently are not alone. Rumors of marauding creatures spread like wildfire throughout Osteth and Omishan. These new creatures come in all forms, their only common bond the power they wield…and the rumor of an incredible reward.

For those interested in material gain, one note sings through clearer than the rest -- mysterious chests have appeared in the dank and dangerous dungeons throughout the three continents. Where to find these chests, how to access their potent treasure, what dangers lie in wait…all is for you to discover.