Akyafi ibn Sumwar
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Translator
Location 21.7S, 1.6W on the roof in Yaraq.
Level 4
Strength 60
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 70
Focus 70
Self 80
Health 115
Stamina 150
Mana 140

Notes Edit

Dialog Edit

Akyafi ibn Sumwar tells you, "I am a humble scholar from Zaikhal. Of late, we have heard of the unusually large number of Drudges in the hills around the Yaraq Cove."

Akyafi ibn Sumwar tells you, "They seem to gather near the ruin of the Empyrean port on the far side of the cove, where the Mad Star flickers. Perhaps you could investigate, and bring me back something which would explain their presence?"

Akyafi ibn Sumwar tells you, "I recently sent young Abmim to investigate, but he has not yet returned."

Akyafi ibn Sumwar tells you, "If you are having difficulty locating the Mad Star, you may buy directions from the barkeeper, Jubal. He's afraid of the Mad Star; ask him instead how to reach the Pillars of the Inner Sea."

Translations Edit

Untranslated Item Translated Item Event
Scrawled Note Translation 1999/11 Release