Introduced:  The Widening Gyre
Alexander's Apprentice
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Apprentice Mask Maker
Location 17.4N 63.5E in Eastham
Level 20
Strength 100
Endurance 100
Coordination 100
Quickness 100
Focus 150
Self 150
Health 100
Stamina 150
Mana 160

Notes Edit

Crafter Turn Ins Edit

Accepted Items Rewards
Experience Pyreals Items
 Banderling Head
 Banderling Mask (Hollow Victory)
 Hollow Minion's Face
 Hollow Minion Mask
 Mosswart Head
 Mosswart Mask (Hollow Victory)
 Virindi Profatrix Mask (Festivus)
 Virindi Profatrix Mask
 Pumpkin Head
 Flaming Pumpkinhead
 Skeleton Skull
 Flaming Skull
 Sunstone Gauntlets
 Sunstone Gauntlets (Orange)

Lore & Dialog Edit

Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Hi, I'm Calvin, Alexander's apprentice. He only lets me practice on skulls and scarecrow heads but he has also allowed me to start work on mosswart, banderling and hollow minion heads, using his old designs. So if you give one of them to me, I'll make something out of it."

Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Making masks is kind of a waste of time. I can turn skulls and scarecrow heads into deadly throwing weapons, however. Just don't tell my master!"

Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Alexander doesn't know it yet, but I am working on a side project that I hope will pad my pockets a bit better once I get better at it. Give me your Sunstone Gauntlets and I'll see about bringing out a nice orange color in them!"

Item Interactions
You give Alexander's Apprentice Banderling Head.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "A banderling head, great. Okay so I need to stick this on something. Do you have a stick? Oh never mind I'll just put it on my other hand. Sure and with a twist of the knife here and there. Ow! No, no it's nothing."
Alexander's Apprentice gives you Banderling Mask.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "There you go. No the bleeding will stop soon don't worry about me."

You give Alexander's Apprentice Sunstone Gauntlets.
Alexander's Apprentice leans over his small work bench and attempts to muffle the sound of his work as much as possible.
As he hands the newly fashioned Sunstone Gauntlets back to you, he quickly brushes the gemstone chips out the nearby window.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Now I know these aren't the highest quality alterations, but I'm learning. Promise me you won't go to Alexander if they fall apart on you in combat."
Alexander's Apprentice gives you Sunstone Gauntlets.

You give Alexander's Apprentice Hollow Minion's Face.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Ah, yes, you'll want the Hollow Minion Mask then. Nice thing about these heads is that they are pretty much already masks. I just have to dispel the magic on it and clean it up a bit before you can use it. There you go, a very believable mask."
Alexander's Apprentice gives you Hollow Minion Mask.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "If you want the Scary Minion Mask turn this into my master right there."

You give Alexander's Apprentice Pumpkin Head.
Alexander's Apprentice gives you 100 Flaming Pumpkinheads.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Scarecrow heads have an odd magic this time of year. If you carve them just right, and perform a little chant... Ah HA! Success..."

You give Alexander's Apprentice Mosswart Head.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "Mosswart head, eh? Okay Let me just umm. Yeah. I need the paint. Okay there we go and a little more green and there we go."
Alexander's Apprentice gives you Mosswart Mask.
Alexander's Apprentice tells you, "It's not that hard... really."