Introduced:  Release
Archmage Dou Ran
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Archmage
Location Wai Jhou 61.8S 51.3W, third floor
Level 10
Strength 70
Endurance 90
Coordination 60
Quickness 85
Focus 65
Self 40
Health 145
Stamina 190
Mana 160

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Wai Jhou
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 70%, sells at 190%.
  • No gold, pyreal or platinum scarabs, no peas.

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Books, Paper Edit

Clothing Edit

Services Edit

Mana Stones Edit

Magic Items Edit

Alchemical Items Edit

Spell Components Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Dialog Edit


Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Isolation can lead to insight or madness. Thank you for coming by."

Buying From

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Hope is cultivated in the heart, and grows with use."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Ever hear of the Disaster Maze? One time, I tried my luck in the maze...I'll never return again."

Selling To

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Here in this desolate land, one can begin to see into oneself."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "We have learned a few things since the people stopped visiting our town. One, pricing is very important. Two, to practice detachment and humility in all things."


Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Joy can be found in the worst of situations. Please come by our shop again."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "I was able to learn the secret of Lifestone Recall while adventuring in a nearby maze. I believe the maze contains other secrets, as well."

Other Sayings (may accompany any of the above interactions)

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "May the Dragon protect you from harm, the Unicorn bless you and the Firebird lead you on your path."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "May you find your balance in the stones that pave the Path to Paradise."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Let compassion be in your every thought and action, as you strive to help others in their paths."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Let detachment guard you. Without detachment you will be unable to let go and move forward."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Let discipline hone you. Without discipline you will tire and fall away."

Archmage Dou Ran tells you, "Let humility dwell within you. Without humility you will be easily misled and lose your way."