Introduced:  Release
Archmage Mah bint Dirid
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Archmage
Location Underground City
Level 13
Strength 90
Endurance 70
Coordination 50
Quickness 70
Focus 150
Self 135
Health 49
Stamina 84
Mana 148

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  • No plats, pyreal, gold scarabs, no peas.

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Archmage Mah bint Dirid tells you, "Welcome to the ancient Underground City."

Buying From

Archmage Mah bint Dirid tells you, "Thank you."

Selling To

Archmage Mah bint Dirid tells you, "I will accept that; thank you."


Archmage Mah bint Dirid tells you, "This place has a proud history in humankind's revolt against the Olthoi."

Archmage Mah bint Dirid tells you, "People complained there was no archmage here, so I came."