Introduced:  Sudden Season
Archmage Philomon
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Archmage
Location 69.6N 17.6E Neydisa Castle
Level 24
Strength 145
Endurance 130
Coordination 170
Quickness 100
Focus 190
Self 185
Health 65
Stamina 130
Mana 185

Notes Edit

  • Route: Take portal by Lifestone in Holtburg.
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 80%, sells at 170%.
  • no peas

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

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Services Edit

Mana Stones Edit

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Dialog Edit


Archmage Philomon tells you, "Yes, what is it?"

Buying From

Archmage Philomon tells you, "Yes."

Selling To

Archmage Philomon tells you, "Yes."


Archmage Philomon tells you, "Perhaps you shall come by again."

Archmage Philomon tells you, "Come again to my little corner of the castle."

Archmage Philomon tells you, "One day mayhap the Bandit Castle shall belong to...ah, ha ha, do not listen to me."