Introduced:  Release
Armorer Hinfiya bint Ju
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Armorer
Location 47.4S, 25.0E in Khayyaban
Level 15
Strength 100
Endurance 90
Coordination 120
Quickness 110
Focus 100
Self 80
Health 125
Stamina 170
Mana 170

Notes Edit

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Armor Edit

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Lore & Dialog Edit


Armorer Hinfiya bint Ju tells you, "Welcome to Mura's shop."

Buying From

Armorer Hinfiya bint Ju tells you, "I appreciate your patronage."

Selling To

Armorer Hinfiya bint Ju tells you, "It is acceptable."


Armorer Hinfiya bint Ju tells you, "Come back again."