Introduced:  Release
Ashqa the Shopkeeper
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Shopkeeper
Location 3.1S, 22.1E at the East Samsur Outpost
Level 6
Strength 60
Endurance 70
Coordination 75
Quickness 70
Focus 20
Self 20
Health 45
Stamina 80
Mana 35

Notes Edit

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Inventory Edit

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Books, Paper Edit

Containers Edit

Food Edit

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Trade Notes Edit

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Cooking Items Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Ashqa the Shopkeeper tells you, "And I thought business was bad yesterday! Look at this outpost!"

Buying From

Ashqa the Shopkeeper tells you, "A fine choice!"

Selling To

Ashqa the Shopkeeper tells you, "Thank you! I appreciate your business."


Ashqa the Shopkeeper tells you, "That's it! As soon as I save up the money, I'm moving to Zaikhal."