Introduced:  Mired Hearts Related Quests:  Magma Golem Exarch Kill Task
Aun Autuorea
Non-Player Killer
Race Aun Tumerok
Title Magma Golem Hunter
Location 87.6S 66.9W in Candeth Keep
Level 89
Strength 250
Endurance 240
Coordination 275
Quickness 250
Focus 240
Self 300
Health 420
Stamina 340
Mana 400

Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit

Aun Autuorea tells you, "Greetings. I am Aun Autuorea. My brothers and I have left Palenqual to hunt! I have chosen to challenge myself by hunting the Magma Golem Exarch as my prey. They are powerful in their own right, but tend to employ the use of underlings in their battles as well."
Aun Autuorea tells you, "Would you like to hunt them as well? Very well, scour this region and others like it and I am sure you will find the golem. Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!"
Aun Autuorea tells you, "Good luck to you, hunter! Return to me to see your progress in your efforts against the Magma Golem Exarchs. The spirits will speak and tell me of your victories!"

Aun Autuorea tells you, "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory! As I promised, a reward for you! It isn't much, simply some fixings I brought with me from Timaru! Here, feast with me as we celebrate your achievement!"
Aun Autuorea gives you 6 Burning Coals.