Introduced:  Dark Majesty (expansion) Related Quests:  Palenqual's Living Weapons Updated:  Mired Hearts
Aun Imeitanua
Non-Player Killer
Race Tumerok
Location Palenqual's Cavern

Notes Edit

  • Retired.
  • Used to exchange base Palenqual weapons for talismans that could be purchased from Aun Kerehanua.
  • Aun Kerehanua now sells the weapons instead of the talismans.

Crafter Turn Ins Edit

Accepted Items Rewards
Experience Pyreals Items
 Waaika Talisman
 Tewhate Talisman
 Taiaha Talisman
 Okane Talisman
 Hoeroa Talisman

Lore & Dialog Edit

Aun Imeitanua tells you, "Sorry about making you come this far, but we can't be giving away our prized secrets to just ANYONE...besides, if the Hea knew of my whereabouts, they'd kidnap me and my brother in a second."

Aun Imeitanua tells you, "Now, don't forget--this weapon will only gain it's full magical potential once you fuse it with one of our sacred totems. Wield it with our blessings...and remember that the Aun have extended their friendship to you. I'm afraid that after you leave this place, you'll not be able to return to visit me for a month or so--the Hea are ever vigilant, and we must do our best to keep this place a secret from them. You should take care to leave this place as soon as possible--for should the worst befall you you as you leave our hiding place, you will not be able to return."

Update History Edit

Mired Hearts

  • Retired.