Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Aun Taguauri the Healer
Non-Player Killer
Race Tumerok
Location Timaru 44.1N 77.9W , inside gate
Level 16
Strength 150
Endurance 120
Coordination 100
Quickness 100
Focus 50
Self 50
Health 170
Stamina 230
Mana 170

Notes Edit

  • Route: See Timaru
  • See Healer for other similar shopkeepers.
  • Sells at 170%, buys at 80%.

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

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Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Aun Taguauri the Healer tells you, "Yet another in need of my help! Will Wharu's invasions never cease?"

Opening (returning)

Aun Taguauri looks alarmed.

Aun Taguauri the Healer tells you, "Good gracious! Did you injure yourself again so quickly?"

Buying From

Aun Taguauri the Healer tells you, "Our elder shaman taught me the special preparations to make these."

Selling To

Aun Taguauri the Healer tells you, "My thanks. Many other travelers are in dire need of these--now I will have plenty on hand for them."


Aun Taguauri the Healer tells you, "Take care as you venture into the wilds--there will be no one to protect you outside our drum circle."