Introduced:  Release
Auroch Horn Spear
  • Value: 900
  • Burden: 550
  • Skill: Light Weapons (Spear)
  • Damage: 3.75 - 15 , Electrical
  • Speed: Fast (20)
  • Bonus to Attack Skill: +3%
  • Bonus to Melee Defense: +5%
  • A spear made from the horn of an auroch. Mysterious electrical impulses flare along the shaft of the weapon.
Auroch Horn Spear

Notes Edit

Update History Edit

  • Icon updated.
  • Base damage increased from 3 - 10 to 3.75 - 15
  • Damage type changed from Piercing to Electrical.
  • +3% attack modifier added.
  • +5% defense modifier added.
  • Old icon: