Introduced:  From the Darkness Born
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Aluvian
Title Tailor
Location 42.9N 66.7W in Greenspire
Level 33
Strength 125
Endurance 100
Coordination 180
Quickness 180
Focus 70
Self 100
Health 140
Stamina 150
Mana 150

Notes Edit

Dialog Edit

Balarazo tells you, "Varicci's invasion has certainly made me regret my decision to settle down here. However I will still exchange new style Canescent Robes for older ones, and vice-versa. Just don't get that Eliza angry at me, that woman has a cruel tongue!"

You give Balarazo Canescent Mattekar Robe.

Balarazo tells you, "Ah, a fine robe - but the style is just too wild for my tastes. Let's see here, I know I have one of those older patterns lying around somewhere..."

Balarazo tells you, "Ah! Here you go!"

Balarazo gives you Canescent Mattekar Robe.

You give Balarazo Canescent Mattekar Robe.

Balarazo tells you, "So you'd rather have the newer style? Can't say I agree with you, but a deal is a deal!"

Balarazo gives you Canescent Mattekar Robe.

Balarazo tells you, "Enjoy!"