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Banderling Haunt
Level: 60
Type: Solo
Starts With: Cyphis Suldow (optional)
Starts At: 68.8N, 21.6W in Stonehold
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Banderling Haunt

Overview Edit

Cyphis Suldow wants to build a resort for weary adventurers and has found just the spot near the town of Stonehold. Unfortunately, Banderlings have decided to build a village there so it is up you to "relocate" them.

  • Lockpick is required to complete this quest.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Go to the Banderling Village near Stonehold at 73.0N 6.6W.
  2. Kill the Banderling Spirit Dancer and loot the Crude Carving.
  3. Hand the Crude Carving to the Crude Statue to summon a portal to Banderling Shrine dungeon.
  4. Note: This next section requires Lockpick to be able to complete. Be sure to have your lockpicker loot all 3 parts of the key.
  5. Navigating your way through the dungeon generally involves taking all left turns. In the first room you will come across a Banderling Spirit Seeker - kill it and loot the Ring of Vines.
  6. Further in the dungeon you will find two more Banderling Spirit Seekers which drop parts needed to form a key, lockpick is needed to combine the different parts.
  7. The second Spirit Seeker drops the Stone Emblem.
  8. Combine the Ring of Vines with the emblem to create a Ringed Emblem.
  9. Kill another Banderling Spirit Seeker and loot the Murky Gem.
  10. Combine the Murky Gem with the Ringed Emblem to create a Banderling Holy Symbol.
  11. Note: There is a skill check on all 3 key making actions. With a lockpick skill of 315, the crafting percentage was 97%.
  12. Unlock the Shrine Door to the left of the exit portal with the holy symbol.
  13. Use the Banderling Idol to summon a Banderling Ancient Spirit and two Ruby Gromnies.
  14. Kill the spirit and loot the Oily Stone.
  15. Note: It is possible to shift jump on top of the Banderling Idol before using it. This may be a safer perch for mages and archers.
  16. Return the stone to Cyphis Suldow for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Banderling Shrine 73.0N, 6.6W -- 000B

Rewards Edit

Experience: 9,000,000 (Fixed)

Images Edit

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Greetings! I'm Cyphis Suldow and you are? Nevermind, who you are is unimportant. The important thing is I need some help and you seem to be more than qualified to do so."

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "I want to build a resort for the weary adventurer and I found the perfect spot just to the east of here."

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "The only problem is that some banderlings have a village there. That is where you come in my friend. Go and...relocate those banderling."

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Come back when the job is done. I'll give you a nice reward, but I'll need proof that the banderlings won't come back."
Speaing to Cyphis Suldow again

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "You're back. Any luck getting those banderlings to relocate their village?"

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "No? Well hurry up then. If you don't do it I'll hire someone else who is more persuasive."

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Remember, the banderling village is east of here. I don't care how you do it, but get those banderlings to leave."
Handing the Crude Carving to the Crude Statue

You give Crude Statue Crude Carving.

The air behind the statue begins to shimmer until suddenly a portal to the Banderling Shrine appears!
Showing Cyphis Suldow the Ring of Vines, Stone Emblem, or Murky Gem (dialog is the same for all)

You allow Cyphis Suldow to examine your Ring of Vines.

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "This looks like it's a part of something. You better keep it. It might be important."
Combining artifacts

You successfully attach the Ring of Vines to the Stone Emblem to create a Ringed Emblem.

You successfully attach the Murky Gem to the Ringed Emblem to create a Banderling Holy Symbol.
Showing Cyphis Suldow the Banderling Holy Symbol

You allow Cyphis Suldow to examine your Banderling Holy Symbol.

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "This looks to be a key of some sort. You better keep it. It might be important."
Handing in Oily Stone

You give Cyphis Suldow Oily Stone.

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Those heathens were worshipping some kind of spirit, huh? I guess with you killing their 'god' they won't be coming back."

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Good job! Here's a little something for your troubles."

Cyphis Suldow gives you Cyphis Suldow's Half Moon Spear.

Cyphis Suldow gives you Trade Note (250,000).

Cyphis Suldow tells you, "Hey! Wait a minute. I can't drop this stone..."

You must wait 20h to complete this quest again.

Update History Edit


  • Quest introduced.

Reforging the Past

  • XP reward increased from 360,000 to 8,000,000.

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward increased from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.

Shattered Masks